Never before have so many disruptions emerged in such proximity and at such velocity, converging to create pervasive environmental, social, economic, geopolitical and intellectual upheaval.
For the design professions, this present period might be better understood as a clear and present danger, or it might be embraced as the catalyst that moved the profession from its lethargy to heights in effectiveness only dreamt of but never thought possible.
We'll be convening a four-part series of think tanks in Italy, beginning in Rome for two days and then transitioning to Venice to celebrate the Biennale Architettura and conduct two more days of the think tank series. The theme of these think tanks is The Value of the Design Professions in the New Reality. Seating is limited, participation is expected, leaning in with conviction and integrity is what we're hoping for. We hope to see you there as we articulate the future of the design professions.
Palazzo Cenci-Bolognetti
Piazza del Gesù, 46, 00186 Roma RM, Italy

Palazzo Bembo
Riva del Carbon, 4793, 30124 Venezia VE